A weighted swaddle can be a great way to make it easier to get baby to sleep. This type of swaddle is very lightly weighted and will mimic the feeling of sleeping in your arms.
Safety for older children
If you are looking for a safety measure to spruce up your crib or toddler bed, you have come to the right place. Using weighted swaddles and blankets may help you get a better night’s sleep, but they are not without their risks. These products should only be used in the presence of an adult or guardian. A baby weighing less than two pounds should never be left alone in a weighted swaddle.
For older children, using a weighted swaddle is not a bad idea. It can also help reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome), a condition that claims the lives of around 3,500 babies each year in the US. As with any safety procedure, you should seek advice from your pediatrician before you try anything.
In addition to the swaddle, you can also use a sleep sack. The latest versions are safe to use as long as you follow the manufacturer’s directions. They are also useful for transitioning from the swaddle to your babe’s normal bedtime routine. Some even boast a built-in thermometer, letting you know when it’s time to rouse your child.
The most important thing to remember is that you should use the appropriate weighted swaddle for your child’s age and weight. Weighted swaddles should be used for less than 20 minutes at a time.
Safety for babies with ASD or sensory processing disorders
It is estimated that 5 to 16 percent of children have sensory processing difficulties. They may have issues with temperature, texture, sound, or pain. These can interfere with everyday life and can affect school and social experiences.
Sensory processing difficulties are often a component of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). They may be associated with challenges in motor control, socialization, and education. ASD symptoms also include increased sensitivity to sensory input, atypical reactions to sensory cues, and little or no response to sensory cues.
Researchers at the University of California in San Francisco have found that the structure of brain connections in sensory regions is different for people with ASD and those without. This finding is significant in the sense that it establishes a relationship between sensory processing disorders and autism spectrum disorder.
Sensory processing difficulties in children with ASD and SPD are often caused by an impaired integration of the central nervous system. This can cause attention problems and arousal. Some children with ASD are overwhelmed by loud noises or common sounds and respond poorly to textures and temperatures.
The Sensory Processing Measure can help healthcare providers understand how children are experiencing their sensory processing. It can be used to assess a child’s behavioural, social, and educational needs. Occupational therapy is commonly used to treat children with SPD and ASD.
Safety for unattended overnight sleep
The most gratifying of all is the unscheduled reward. As in previous years, the prize is a slumber party worthy of a star-studded ensemble, and a phalanx of well-rested adults to boot. Despite the requisite egos and adolescent angst, the bumbling buffs manage to stay on a kilter for the majority of the evening. The familiy is a tad frazzled, but a resurgent in a good mood is a plus. Hopefully, the best of the bunch can look forward to the next chapter in the big book as the sands of time wash up and down. Not to mention the plethora of newfound free time on the agenda.