UPCs and EAN Barcodes – What’s the Difference?

If you are an Amazon seller, you’ll need to know what the rules are for using UPCs on your products. You may also want to know whether you should be using EAN barcodes, too. Whether you decide to use both, or just one, will depend on your business and your preferences.

EAN barcode vs UPC barcode

The EAN barcode and the UPC barcode are both symbols that are used to identify consumer goods. These barcodes can be found on labels for consumer products, like cosmetics and over-the-counter medications. While they look similar, they have different functions.

For example, the EAN barcode is used to identify consumer goods that are sold in Europe and Canada. Its symbol is made up of black lines, varying in width, separated by white lines. This makes it possible to read the barcode from either direction.

On the other hand, the UPC barcode is a 12-digit identifier that is mainly used in the United States and Canada. Unlike the EAN, the first digit of the UPC number is zero.

In addition to the digits, the UPC barcode contains a country code. The UPC and the EAN are both part of the Global Trade Item Number standard, which identifies trade items.

Although both codes are effective, they function differently. Besides being more widely accepted globally, the UPC barcode has been designed for use at Point of Sale.

The EAN-13 barcode is a superset of the UPC-A barcode. The only difference between the two is that the EAN-13 has a leading zero.

The EAN barcode was created to simplify business processes. Its purpose is to provide a uniform system for identifying consumer goods.

Product tracking

UPCs are a type of barcode that is used for product tracking. They are printed on labels or can be scanned at point of sale. The UPC is a unique number that identifies the product, and it is often used by e-commerce sellers for logistical purposes.

There are many advantages to using UPCs, including standardized inventory management, the ability to trace products through production and distribution, and the ease of scanning products. However, they are not a replacement for SKUs. While SKUs are useful in their own right, they do not allow for the efficiencies of UPCs.

A UPC is a 12-digit numerical code that is used for product tracking. It is a standard that has been developed and implemented to allow for the quick and efficient tracking of products throughout the supply chain.

A UPC is also known as a Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN) and is created by the Global Standards Organization, GS1. GS1 is a standards organization that ensures interoperability between organizations. As a result, all registered products have a unique, accurate code.

SKUs, on the other hand, are not universally recognized, and don’t mean anything to other businesses. SKUs are best suited for smaller businesses, while a UPC can be used by larger companies.

Amazon rules

It’s always a good idea to check the Amazon rules for UPCs before listing your products. This will help you to determine if your product is compliant with the e-tailer’s stringent requirements. Moreover, it will also help you avoid wasting time and resources on incorrectly labelled or non-compliant products.

The Amazon rules for UPCs involve the use of the Global Trade Item Number, or GTIN, which is a unique set of digits used to identify retail products around the world. Aside from its own barcode, GTINs are also used to help merchants detect duplicate listings and ensure product integrity.

Another GS1 rule is the need for a GS1 Company Prefix, which is a six-digit code identifying a particular company. While there is no law requiring a GS1 prefix on your product, it does make it easier for you to distinguish it from other products.

If you’re planning on selling on Amazon, you’ll also need to take into account the Amazon Brand Registry, which will help you to sell your products without using a UPC. However, you may not be able to use the brand registry to sell your products if they are not sold by your company.

The GS1 database has a search tool that allows you to find out if your UPC is in order. You can then use the GS1 site to print out barcodes for your products.

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