The effectiveness of laser marking on metal components depends on the maximum depth that the marking can penetrate. Maximum marking depth is determined by the stress concentration along the crack length and the maximum deformation amplitude. Moreover, the more the laser marking is, the lower the fatigue life of the component. Therefore, manufacturers should focus on improving the durability of laser marking processes. This article will highlight the importance of laser marking on metal components. Further, it will give information about the advantages and disadvantages of these lasers visit this website
CO2 laser
CO2 laser marking on metal components is a highly versatile process, with a wide variety of applications. CO2 laser machines are used to mark metal components that are coated, like stainless steel key fobs, with the marking compound. Bare metals reflect the CO2 laser wavelength and must be treated using a fiber laser source. A CO2 laser machine will leave a sparkly mark on the surface of a metal component.
Using a CO2 laser is a great way to mark metals, as the process will create legible, permanent markings. The CO2 laser is also very effective on various surfaces and can produce markings on virtually any material. Its wavelength range is between nine and 11 micrometers, making it perfect for marking metals. The CO2 laser also covers a wide variety of organic materials, with the most common wavelength being 10,600 nm.
When using a CO2 laser to mark metal components, the marking agent bonds to the metal. The CO2 laser is highly versatile, and can mark coated metals without any pre-treatment. This process is ideal for a variety of industries. However, CO2 laser marking machines tend to be expensive, and their energy requirements are high. Nevertheless, the cost is justified in many cases. In addition, CO2 laser marking machines have a high operational requirement.
Fiber laser
The fiber laser marking process uses a beam of light that is transmitted through a fiber optics medium. The laser diodes are pumped with energy, which is then transmitted through the fiber optics medium to the component that needs marking. The gain medium is a fiber optics medium that is doped with rare earth elements. Different applications use different wavelengths, depending on what the component needs to be marked. Most metal markers use Ytterbium doping, as this allows for optimal absorption.
Copper is one of the hardest metals to mark, and this characteristic makes the use of Fiber Lasers an ideal solution. The high-power lasers used by Fiber Lasers can create black anneal marks on metal components. During the annealing process, a layer of oxide forms on the surface of ferrous metal, which is usually black in color. This process is called marking-on-the-fly, and can also be applied to stainless steel.
One of the most popular applications for fiber lasers is metal marking. There are two types of lasers: CO2 and fiber. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Fiber lasers are cost-effective and low-maintenance, while CO2 lasers require special spray to prepare the metal before marking. CO2 lasers can mark woods, acrylics, and even natural stone. Fiber lasers are less expensive than CO2 lasers and produce a permanent mark without affecting the component’s integrity.
MOPA laser
When you use a MOPA laser marking machine, you can easily change the color of the surface layer of the material. The machine uses different parameters to change the color, including the speed, pulse length, and diameter of the focal spot. The resulting color marking makes your product stand out from the rest. Whether you need to identify a specific product or decorate a piece with colorful lines, MOPA laser marking machines are the perfect choice.
When it comes to laser marking, MOPA fiber lasers have all the benefits of standard fiber lasers: high precision, low energy consumption, and powerful beam quality. Because MOPA lasers have an adjustable pulse length, you can adjust the laser’s parameters for the most precise marking. Despite the short pulse duration, the laser is powerful enough to mark metal components as well as plastics and stainless steel. Furthermore, it doesn’t heat up the material like other laser marking methods.
The pulse width of a MOPA laser marking machine is much smaller than that of ordinary fiber lasers, which cannot mark metal materials. A typical MOPA marking machine can mark metals like stainless steel, alumina, and aluminum alloys with a high degree of accuracy. Its pulse width can be adjusted from two to four microseconds. With its frame structure, the MOPA laser runs more reliably and without noise.