Keto Diet for Beginners

The ketogenic diet is a trendy way for people to lose weight. What’s even more exciting is that you can be eating plenty of healthy foods and still lose weight! But if you’re looking for the magical easy way to start eating low carb, maybe you don’t know where to start. You’ll have questions about what foods are okay to eat, which are off-limits, etc.

If you are following a low-carb diet, this post is mainly intended for you. I know it can be a little difficult to keep your calories down while eating cheese, butter and bacon. But there is an easy way out! The keto diet can help you lose weight, learn how to shop at healthy places and conquer cravings. It might also boost your overall health.

If you implement keto dieting, you should expect results within days. You can always monitor your weight loss with Lastapp’s daily weight tracker app.  This app keeps you on track throughout your weight loss journey, with custom goals and progress notifications. The Weight Tracker lets you track your weight, body mass index (BMI), and lean body mass, as well as daily activity levels

What is the Keto Diet?

A keto diet is a diet that is low in carbs and high in fat. It is similar to low-carb diets such as Atkins. Consuming keto diets entails reducing the carb intake drastically and taking more of a fatty diet. Reducing carb intake will lead the body to enter into a state known as Ketosis.

Ketosis, Ketones and How it All Works

Ketosis happens when there is no adequate supply of carbohydrates in the body, and the fat replaces the functions of carbohydrates. Ketosis is a popular word in the diabetes and weight loss world. Ketosis does not only help us lose weight; it decreases our consumption of food.

Ketosis is not harmful and can help you lose weight fast. Typically, it takes just 4-5 days of eating low-carb diets for the ketosis process to begin for normal and healthy adults.


Ketones are the by-products of Ketosis. They are produced when the body digests fatty food. Ketones replace the function of carbs in our body and help supply the body with energy during fasting periods. While ketones can benefit the body, it is advisable not to allow them to build up. High build of Ketones in the body can be problematic for diabetic patients. Therefore, if you have diabetes, it is essential to keep watch, so you don’t accumulate too many ketones in your body.

Good Things About the Keto Diet

Keto diets have several benefits for the body. The Keto diet was initially developed to treat neurological diseases, but it has become mainstream over the years. Below are some of the benefits of the Keto diet.

  1. Helps in weight loss: consuming a keto diet is a helpful way to lose some calories. Ketones diets demand less consumption of food and reduce hunger.
  2. Helpful for diabetes patients: Several studies have suggested that ketogenic diets help reduce the number of fats in the body and, in the process, improve insulin sensitivity. Studies suggest that Ketogenic diets increase effectiveness by more than 70%.
  3. Epilepsy: According to research conducted by, keto diets help stop or reduce epilepsy or seizures in kids.
  4. Cancer: Scientific research suggests that the Keto diet helps reduce tumour growth in cancer patients.

Ketogenic Diet Food List

Ketogenic diets are generally low in carbs, high in fat and mid in protein levels. Finding these foods may be confusing for some people. If you want to go on a keto diet but don’t know the right choice of keto meals, below are some popular keto diets.

  • Fish and seafood
  • Berries
  • Unsweetened coffee and tea
  • Dark chocolate and cocoa powder
  • Low-carb veggies
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Nuts, seeds and healthy oils
  • Avocados
  • Poultry
  • Ordinary Greek yoghurt and cottage cheese

Food to Avoid During the Keto Diet

It would be best to avoid high-carb meals at all costs when you are on a keto diet. Mostly the foods to avoid are those with high carb contents. Below are some of the most popular foods that must be avoided if you want to experience Ketosis.

  1. Candy
  2. flavored and sweetened yoghurt
  3. potato chips
  4. white bread
  5. sugary juices
  6. sodas
  7. foods and drinks with a high fructose corn syrup content
  8. foods and drinks high in refined sugar
  9. sugary breakfast cereals
  10. white pasta
  11. white rice
  12. cookies, muffins, and other baked products
  13. Soft Pretzel.
  14. Processed Cereal.
  15. Canned Fruit.
  16. Doughnuts.


In the end, keto is one of those things you have to try for yourself; if it works for you—as it does for so many—great! If not, that’s okay too. Just understand that there are certain drawbacks to this kind of diet.

After putting all your effort, dedication and patience into the keto diet for beginners, you will feel fantastic once the results appear. You have to stay persistent and not give up too early, or you might risk getting side effects from your excess weight. Stick to what you’ve learned in the keto diet for beginners, and stay positive!

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